Home Escondido Wrongful Death Experienced and Trusted Wrongful Death Law Firm

Wrongful Death Attorneys in Escondido

When you and your loved ones leave the house in the morning, you fully expect it to be a normal day. You are certain that you will see everyone again later.

But sometimes things happen that completely turn your life upside down.

If you are here because you have lost a loved one, let all of us at Eugene Bruno & Associates extend our condolences. We know this must be an incredibly difficult time for you. If you suspect that someone else’s negligence played a role in the death of your loved one, you may need a personal injury attorney in Escondido. We will help you through this.

How Wrongful Death Happens

Wrongful death occurs when someone else’s negligence, willful act, or wrongful act causes the death of another person. This can cover a wide range of incidents, but we want to talk about a few of them here.

Impaired Drivers Causing Fatal Collisions

One of the most common types of wrongful death occurs when a drunk driver gets into an accident. According to the CDC, 29 people die in the US every day from a crash involving an alcohol-impaired driver. In the latest reporting year, over 10,000 people died in the US in alcohol-impaired crashes.

Deadly Workplace Accidents

In the workplace, especially in the construction industry, the risk of injury and death are higher. If a company fails to provide employees with proper equipment and training, they could be held responsible for any death that occurs.

Faulty Products Resulting in Fatalities

In the US, there are thousands of products recalled each year. Faulty products can cause major illnesses and injuries to consumers. If a company does not label their products correctly, or the product has a faulty design, they can and should be held liable for any deaths that occur.

Medical Malpractice That Causes Death

When you go to the hospital or the doctor, the last thing you expect is a healthcare professional causing you harm. Medical mistakes are now the third leading cause of death in the United States, killing at least 250,000 people a year.

What Can You Do After the Wrongful Death of a Loved One in Escondido?

These are just a few types of wrongful death cases, but anytime someone else’s negligence or willful act causes a death, they can be held liable.

If someone else’s negligence contributed to the death of your loved one in Escondido, we want to help you make sure they are held accountable. While we know that no amount of money will erase your pain, it can help prevent this from happening to others.

Our Escondido wrongful death attorneys will work to get compensation for the following:

  • Burial and funeral expenses
  • Lost of future income and benefits
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages

Eugene Bruno & Associates are here for you. When you need an Escondido wrongful death lawyer, you can contact us for a free consultation by calling us at 1-888-BRUNO-88 (1-888-278-6688).