Home Escondido Dog Bites Experienced and Trusted Dog Attack Law Firm

Dog Attack Attorneys in Escondido

It is not uncommon to see people out with their pets. Around 44 percent of all us household have dogs. Most of the time we have good interactions with dogs and do not think twice when we reach down to pat them.

When you are out walking for an evening stroll or taking your kid to the park, the last thing you expect is for a dog to attack you. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens and it can be scary.

If you need a personal injury attorney in Escondido, you can count on Eugene Bruno & Associates to fight by your side to recover a fair compensation for your expenses.

Common Incidents

Dog bites are more common than you think. According to the CDC, there are around 4.7 million dog bites that occur each year in the Unites States.

4.7 Million?

Yes, we know that sounds like a high number. Out of those, around 800,000 require medical attention. A few years ago, California had the highest number of dog bite claims of any state in the country, though claims are rising throughout the country.

Why Do These Bites Happen?

Many times, dog bites happen around animals we expect to be friendly. That is why we get so close and allow our children to get close.

Other times, a dog’s owner decides to take their pet off the leash while they are in a public space, which is usually a violation of municipal laws. If that dog then bites someone, the owner should be held liable for their negligent behavior.

There are times when a dog has a history of violence, yet their owner still allows them to be around people. If they do this, they are setting up a potentially dangerous situation.

Children and the elderly are the most vulnerable to dog attacks. They simply lack the ability to fight back or get to safety.

Dog bites can cause severe soft tissue injuries which often require multiple surgeries to fix. Sometimes, the bite leaves people with permanent scars or dismemberment. The damages from a dog bite injury can be much more than just physical, but emotional as well.

Many dog bite victims report symptoms of PTSD in the aftermath.

What Happens Now?

After the traumatic event is over and you have sought medical attention, you need to start thinking about how to pay for your expenses. The dog bite was not your fault, so you should not be left holding the bills.

At Eugene Bruno & Associates, we want to make sure that does not happen. We will take your case and stop at nothing to ensure all of your expenses are covered. This includes your medical bills, lost income if you have to miss work, as well as pain and suffering damages. When you need an Escondido dog bite attorney, you can contact us for a free consultation by calling us at 1-888-BRUNO-88 (1-888-278-6688).