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Driver Negligence Accident Attorneys in San Diego

As well as being a busy city in of the most prolific states for car accidents, San Diego’s roads are made even more popular by the fact that the county serves as a connection between Mexico and the United States. This means that there tends to be a higher than average proportion of commercial vehicles and large trucks using the roads, in addition to the generally high volumes of traffic. When you combine these factors, you have a road network which is ripe for car accidents, particularly when motorists act in a negligent or reckless manner. The statistics confirm this statement too, as the main cause of collisions, according to our San Diego car accident attorneys, is speeding. If you, or a loved one, have been seriously injured in an accident caused by another driver’s negligence, an expert attorney from Eugene Bruno & Associates could ensure you recover the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Common Types of San Diego Car Accidents Caused by Driver Negligence

Many of the injuries we see in our San Diego car accident victims could have been avoided had another motorist been paying sufficient care and attention while driving. Our San Diego car accident negligence attorneys have noticed some trends, which have been backed up by the statistics published by official bodies, including the California Office of Traffic Safety, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Some of the most common causes of San Diego crashes, each of which can be attributed to negligence, include:

One prime example of driver negligence leading to San Diego car accidents is drunk driving. Although the dangers of driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs has been well-publicized, hundreds of thousands of California drivers continue to behave in this way. According to OTS figures:

  • Alcohol is a factor in around 29% of fatal car accidents each year
  • 19% of drivers involved in accidents in 2015 tested positive for drugs, with this figure including both legal and illegal drugs
  • Alcohol and drug-impaired driving is the leading cause of car accident-related fatalities amongst 15 to 24 year olds
  • Over 160,000 DUI arrests are made in California each year

Of course, DUIs are not the only type of negligence leading to car accidents in San Diego, with distracted driving – particularly texting or otherwise using a cell phone while driving – also accounting for a large proportion of injuries and fatalities. Around 25% of San Diego car accidents are at least partly caused by this form of negligence.

Injured Due to Another Driver’s Negligence? Speak to a San Diego Car Accident Attorney Now

If you have been injured, or lost a loved one, due to a negligence-related car accident, you could benefit from the extensive legal knowledge of the San Diego attorneys at Eugene Bruno & Associates. Call today at 1-888-BRUNO-88 (1-888-278-6688).