Home Chula Vista Product Liability Experienced and Trusted Product Liability Law Firm

Product Liability Lawyers in Chula Vista

When a manufacturer produces any item, they have a legal obligation to take all reasonable steps to ensure that product can be safely used as intended. Unfortunately, as highly experienced Chula Vista personal injury attorneys, we are all too familiar with the truth that this is not always the case. While we do accept that accidents happen, and genuine mistakes are made from time to time, there remain too many unscrupulous manufacturers, and others involved in the supply chain, who are more than willing to cut costs at the expense of consumers’ safety. If you have become the latest victim of a defective product of any kind, an esteemed Chula Vista product liability attorney from Eugene Bruno & Associates could be your key to recovering maximum compensation.

You should not suffer financial hardship due to the negligence of a product manufacturer, nor should you simply accept the pain and suffering their failure to adhere to safety guidelines has inflicted upon you. A Chula Vista defective product lawyer can help you to hold them accountable for the consequences of their actions.

Types of Defective Product and Product Liability Case

When it comes to filing a lawsuit after an injury sustained through using a defective product, your attorney must first ascertain which category of product defect is applicable. The three potential categories are:

  • Manufacturing defects, which occur during the production process and, as such, are normally only present in one, or a small number of, products of that type
  • Design defects, where a flaw in designing the product means that it will never be fit for purpose, regardless of how carefully the manufacturers follow the plans
  • Failure to warn, which occurs when a manufacturer neglects to warn consumers of a potential hazard involved in using a product, or to provide adequate instructions to enable its safe use

A Chula Vista product liability attorney from Eugene Bruno & Associates has the skills and expertise required to successfully handle any type of defective product lawsuit. Some of the numerous product liability cases we have successfully handled in the past include:

  • Defective vehicle components, including brakes, seat belts and air bags
  • Small appliances including space heaters, ovens, and water heaters
  • Furnishings produced using a fabric carrying an unreasonable fire hazard
  • Defective e-cigarettes or vape pens
  • Faulty power tools, such as drills, saws and more
  • Defective sporting equipment
  • Defective baby equipment, including high chairs and cribs
  • Dangerous children’s toys and other equipment
  • Defective medical devices or prescription drugs

Find Out How a Chula Vista Product Liability Attorney Could Help You Today

If you, or a loved one, have sustained serious injuries while using a defective product, you are entitled to recover compensation in respect of your injuries, and related financial costs. For example, this could include the medical bills which are rapidly mounting as you treat your injuries, or the wages you are losing out on as you are unable to work during your recovery period.