As soon as possible after your San Diego vehicle accident, your case should be evaluated by an experienced accident lawyer. Call me today to discuss your case. Call me if you’re considering accepting a “low ball” offer. Remember, it’s up to you to protect your rights. Don’t expect the big insurance companies to treat you fairly, because they will not. Hiring a San Diego auto accident attorney is the single most important step you can take to protect your right and ensure that you receive all the compensation you deserve for your injury.
Get A San Diego Car Accident Lawyer Who Will Stand Up To The Big Insurance Companies!
Greedy insurance companies are making record profits and they are not concerned about you or what you’re going through.
I’ve been standing up to these insurance companies and getting my clients the compensation they deserve for over 30 years. Let me help you.”
– Eugene Bruno
The days and weeks after an auto accident can be a confusing, stressful time, but it’s also an important time. It’s the time to protect your rights, to ensure that you are treated fairly during the insurance claims process, to ensure that you are fairly compensated for your injury.
Schedule a free consultation with me today. I know the tricks played by the big insurance companies. Don’t let yourself be victimized again. The legal representation you need is only a phone call away.
Contact a San Diego car accident lawyer if you have been injured in a motor vehicle, motorcycle or other accident and protect yourself!